Neil Arya @NeilVeil
Founder & CEO  |  Joahquin Technologies
Greetings! I'm Neil Arya from India, contributing some useful & reliable code snippets & packages. I am a tech enthusiast with a passion for crafting innovative solutions.
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Neil Arya @NeilVeil
Founder & CEO  |  Joahquin Technologies
Greetings! I'm Neil Arya from India, contributing some useful & reliable code snippets & packages. I am a tech enthusiast with a passion for crafting innovative solutions.
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NodeJS back-end framework built on top of Express.

Generate & Inject Static HTML Pages in Single Page Applications Build

Optimally compress image in browser to the target size

Dynamically load scripts & stylesheets when required

A collection of useful front-end web development utility functions

Generate Icon Font from SVG files


Simple Image Editing & Compression Tool


A light-weight & customizable ReactJS UI library with zero dependencies